Just Dance 4 Review: Just get up and dance again Giancarlo Saldana October 28, 2012 Another excuse to get up and dance. You know you want to.
Skyward Sword review: Reinventing a legend Joe Sinicki November 27, 2011 Link's latest adventure is his best yet.
Sonic Generations review: A loving thud Joe Sinicki November 7, 2011 Sonic Generations shows that more is not always better.
Disney Universe review: Like too many rides on the teacups Joe Sinicki October 31, 2011 A fun but misguided Disney romp.
WWE All stars review Joe Sinicki April 6, 2011 The legends go toe to toe with today's stars. But should you care?
Super Mario All-Stars review Joe Sinicki December 13, 2010 Nintendo celebrates Mario's 25th anniversary with a re-release of the plumber's greatest hits. Is it worth your money?
Donkey Kong Country Returns review Joe Sinicki November 20, 2010 Retro Studios delivers a timeless platformer with a timeless hero.
Greg Hastings Paintball 2 review Chris Keene November 9, 2010 Interesting elements spice up an otherwise unremarkable title
Sonic 4 Episode I review Eldin Masri October 22, 2010 Sonic is back, does the sequel we've waited 16 years for cut it?
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock Review Joe Sinicki September 30, 2010 It's the same old song and dance.
Endless Ocean: Blue World review Marc Normandin March 16, 2010 Arika's sequel is more focused, but will you want to explore the depths again?
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle review Marc Normandin February 1, 2010 This is how you do a sequel
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories review Lauren Schumacher January 11, 2010 Does this re-imagining of the original classic deserve the second playthrough?
Excitebike: World Rally review Marc Normandin November 24, 2009 Monster Games' first attempt at a Bike version of the Excite series
Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles review David Smail November 24, 2009 Fortune, Glory and Gore. Here's our take on Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles.
New Super Mario Bros. Wii review Marc Normandin November 23, 2009 The name is probably the worst part. It-sa Mario, after all!