Following the lukewarm reception of the upgraded PS4 Pro, Microsoft was quick to jump into the fray with a couple of punches against their longtime rival in the console market.
Following a 12-hour blackout of the PlayStation Network on Jan. 4, Sony has emailed subscribers to the service a free one day extension for their troubles. The code can be redeemed before March 31.
Sony has ...
In December of last year, Capcom orchestrated an unprecedented partnership with Sony: Capcom would port its flagship title “Ultra Street Fighter IV” (“USFIV”) and release the sequel “Street Fighter V” exclusive...
Let's Go to the Mall
Fair warning, this review is full of spoilers for The Last of Us, the American Dreams comic and the Left Behind DLC
It would be easy to not care about the characters and events of Left...
If David Cage is an artist, his medium is the dual shock controller. The much talked about game director and lead on games like Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy (read our interview with him from E3 here) uses Son...