Animal Crossing Pocket Camp brings the franchise to mobile in November Ivan Favelevic October 25, 2017 Nintendo's mobile strategy continues with the release of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp next month.
How to quickly pay off your loans in Animal Crossing: New Leaf Giancarlo Saldana June 9, 2013 Catching bugs is the key
Nintendo reveals extensive lineup of 3DS titles, omits Animal Crossing Giancarlo Saldana August 13, 2012 Thinking of getting a 3DS?
E3 2012: Wii U is more than just a tablet controller, Miiverse proves that Giancarlo Saldana June 6, 2012 Here's what the Big N revealed about its upcoming console's features.
E3 2012: Live from Nintendo’s press event Joe Sinicki June 5, 2012 All of the latest news, live from The Nokia Theatre in L.A.
What to expect from Nintendo at E3 2012 Giancarlo Saldana June 1, 2012 Our predictions for the Big N.
Nintendo Download: Penguins, Animal Crossing, and Toppling Towers…Oh My! Eddie Makuch May 4, 2009 Nintendo offers up a mighty four pack of downloadable titles this morning. Full list inside.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood Dylan Brace Sloss December 3, 2008 While Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is a valiant effort on BioWare's part, it has several flaws.
E3 2008: Oh no! — Nintendo fails to deliver Terri Schwartz July 16, 2008 They have charm. They have talent. They have humor. The only thing Nintendo was missing at their E3 press conference this year was breaking news. Sorry Mario.