Via Infendo, by way of Nintendo Life, we may all catch a glimpse of one of Nintendo’s big, big titles sooner than we thought; whereas originally Shigeru Miyamoto spoke of his hope to have a trailer ready for E3 2010, it looks like we may see the first trailer for the first built-from-the-ground-up Legend of Zelda on Wii as early as next month.
Little is known about the title, except that Miyamoto has pointed out that Link is not carrying a sword in the one image available from the game:
My hope is that we see if Motion Plus is or is not utilized in the title–my other curious wonder is whether or not Miyamoto has finally given in to his own temptations and made Zelda a first-person experience, rather than the third-person view it has taken during the 3D years. I’m not betting on the latter of those, but the former is a possibility, especially since Nintendo has yet to announce Motion Plus usage in a megaton, AAA title of theirs. Hopefully, if this trailer exists, as the anonymous source of Infendo’s claims it does, we’ll have answers to our questions sooner than later.
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