Infinity Ward, makers of Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to one of the greatest FPS’s of this era, released a new video this week begging the question: “Just how f*cking awesome is this game going to be?”
In addition to a beautifully rendered and masterfully assembled multiplayer level, the new video shows the game’s new host migration feature, and an entirely knew way to embarrass foes on the digital battleground…with a knife to the jugular. Have a look.
Michael is an avid knife thrower who began training seriously some
years ago. He kindly offered us the pictures and descriptions on
this page. Of course the remarks and values are all subjective,
especially the turn counts and distances. The measurements, prices
and all refer to the throwing knives he has tested. These knives
may not be in the market anymore in this form.The distance given
at farthest throw achieved is the one where
Michael was able to still stick persistently.