E3 2010: Respawn Entertainment Planning Big Announcement Chris Keene June 9, 2010 Your guess is as good as mine.
Five Screenshots From MW2’s “Resurgence” Map Pack Eddie Makuch May 14, 2010 Including a frightening, grinning clown.
Modern Warfare 2’s “Resurgence Map Pack” Brings Olds Maps Eddie Makuch May 14, 2010 And carries a hefty $15 price tag.
Halo: Reach Beta Doesn’t Knock Modern Warfare 2 From Its XBL Throne Eddie Makuch May 13, 2010 Despite the beta's success, Modern Warfare 2 is still played more.
Reminder: Modern Warfare 2’s “Stimulus Package” Hits PlayStation Network Today Eddie Makuch May 4, 2010 The game's first batch of DLC arrives today for PlayStation fans.
Activision In The Crosshairs – 38 Former And Current IW Employees Allege Misconduct Chris Keene April 28, 2010 Grab the popcorn.
Peter Gets Pwned At Modern Warfare 2 On Family Guy Eddie Makuch April 12, 2010 Should probably stick to drinking beer and being fat.
Call of Duty Team Loses Two More Key Members Chris Keene April 6, 2010 The plot thickens in COD-gate.
Sexual Innuendo Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Trailer Eddie Makuch April 5, 2010 Activision markets the game's DLC oddly.
Get Your Xbox Live Avatar NightVision Goggles Free Until Sunday Eddie Makuch April 2, 2010 Deck your little guy or gal out in the Modern Warfare 2 gear.
Title Update, DLC and Double XP, Coming To Modern Warfare 2 Tomorrow Eddie Makuch March 29, 2010 Bug fixes, new maps and double experience, starting tomorrow.
Modern Warfare 2 Outsells Harry Potter In UK Eddie Makuch March 29, 2010 Harry Potter takes a backseat this time around.
Modern Warfare 2 ‘Stimulus Package’ DLC Images Eddie Makuch March 29, 2010 Take a look at the new maps before they arrive tomorrow.
Gaming Weekly: Modern Warfare 2 DLC Is Finally Here Eddie Makuch March 29, 2010 Enjoy fresh Modern Warfare 2 content, tomorrow.
250GB 360 Hard Drive Available Today Chris Keene March 23, 2010 Upgrade your Xbox 360 memory big-time for $129.99.
Infinity Ward Fixes MW2 ‘Super Speed’ Glitch Eddie Makuch March 23, 2010 The latest in a long line of bugs, squashed.
EA Parodies Modern Warfare 2 Yet Again Eddie Makuch March 17, 2010 And Yankee pitcher CC Sabathia stars.
Modern Warfare 2 “Stimulus Package” DLC To Cost $15 Eddie Makuch March 15, 2010 I wanted to believe in Activision, I really did.
Modern Warfare 2 “Stimulus Package” DLC Includes CoD4 Remakes Eddie Makuch March 13, 2010 A listing for the DLC hit the 'net today. Get excited.
Call Of Duty-Gate News Alert: ex-Devs Sign With Top Talent Agency Chris Keene March 13, 2010 Fresh meat in the Modern Warfare scandal!