Deering has had a longtime love for theater and filmmaking. A freshman film major at Columbia College in Chicago, he confessed that theater was his addition in high school.
“I was helping with the plays every day after school for all four years,” he said. “I also took two film and video classes, which is what made me start thinking film might be a cool subject to look into in college for a career. Throughout high school I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life.”
Deering describes himself as very close with his parents. He said that their support of his career path means a lot to him, especially since it is a hard field to break into. It was his father’s video camera that started him with his first movie in 2003.
“I don’t even think we gave it a name,” Deering said. “It was that bad.”
His first creation was a stop-motion — a frame-by-frame animation technique to make an object look like it is moving on its own — that he made with his action figures.
It was Allen Murphy who inspired Deering to make the spoofs Evil Iguana has been posting on YouTube over the past year.
“All while I was growing up, if I had a camcorder within reach, I’d grab it and mess around with it, at the expense of my parents who had to buy new tapes,” Murphy said.
Around the same time Deering made his stop-motion film, Murphy made a video of his own mocking the hit thriller “Final Destination.”
“A few friends of mine and I were staying over at someone’s house when we found his mom’s camcorder,” said Allen of the birth of his film, “Final Destination 3.”‚ “We just wanted to make a movie where we got to die in different funny ways. What better way than make the next sequel to the Final Destination series?‚ Granted, they made the real “ËœFinal Destination 3′ a couple years later, but I like to joke that ours was better.”
“He should have (copyrighted his movie) because it was so much better than the real ‘Final Destination 3′,” Deering joked.
The film Murphy came out with was a plot-driven parody as opposed to a pure spoof, but it got Deering interested in making more movies.
“I had no idea I wanted to do movies. I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I was actually thinking about becoming a cop,” said Deering. “It was making these movies and then seeing everyone’s reactions to them — getting the good, positive reactions about our videos, because I mean if they were crap and people were like making fun of us I totally would be a cop right now.”
Deering said that sometimes they are even recognized in public as the stars of the Evil Iguana YouTube videos.
“I remember specifically one time me and Allen were at some like festival thing by our house and a couple girls ran up and asked for our pictures, which is really weird, because we’re not used to that,” he said. “But honestly, every once in a while, someone will be like, “ËœHey, I’ve seen you somewhere,’ and I’m like, “ËœProbably from YouTube,’ and they’re like, “ËœYup, that’s it.’ It’s really not that big yet. Most people walk past going, “ËœWho’s that loser?'”
The Batman movie
In their upcoming film, Batman is still wanted by the police and the Joker just recently escaped from prison. In their follow up to Christopher Nolan’s second Batman film, the Joker realized that the reason why his social experiment didn’t work in sending Gotham City into madness was because he tried to corrupt the entire city at once. In the Evil Iguana Joker film, the Joker singles out one family on Christmas Eve, trying to show that if he makes them have one bad day, it can make any person turn out maniacal like him.
Good guys Batman and Commissioner Gordon, with Joe Korbel and Kyle Bridges reprising their roles respectively, are trying to stop the Joker before he succeeds in hurting the family.
Deering was excited to don the green hair once more.
“I’m really looking forward to (the new movie),” he said. “The script that Kyle wrote is like really dark and twisted. It’s completely out of our norm, so we’re trying to make sure everything is perfect so we don’t screw it up.”
Murphy is more nervous about the film than Deering.
“I have mixed feelings about it,” he said.‚ “This film is our first venture into a more dramatic theme.‚ The script is excellent, the talent I believe is there,” Murphy said. “Unfortunately, as I’m sure we all know, people tend to be very critical of movies they see.”
Before, all the movies Evil Iguana created were spoofs or pure comedies, so Murphy said he felt that any shortcomings they had in their films were forgiven because they were making fun of other movies. With their new Batman drama, Murphy said that his theory has been not to include any material that they feel has not been created perfectly.
“Nothing is worse than watching a poorly made film that is trying to take itself seriously,” Murphy said. “This is an experiment for us, and I have my share of concerns. But, in the end, I’m having a blast doing it, and that’s all that matters.”
Murphy is the cameraman for the new movie.
I have been inspired by EIP to actually start progressing and making films of my own… Normally i would have been to scared because my own show Speaking Out!! With Kim and Brian have not had the best views of course our show isnt as comical as EIPs shows, but my cousin and other friends have wanted to assist me in my films, so i am hoping for the best.
I dont know if Craig or whoever answered my email about this idea i was going to do, but i did tell him/them that i do plan on placing their name into my first film as being inspired by and some other tacky heart felt message behind it, lol… So i dont think they thought i was serious, but i hope they do because i am in the middle of filming and nearing the final stages of it…
Thanks for the inspiration guys and always keep up the good work. Just because you cant film it for Youtube doesnt mean you cant film it at all… Sorry just a saying my cousin came up when i spoke about what i could and couldnt do for a film.
Awesome haha. Craig you sure say “like” alot 😛
I’m so happy that Craig, Allen, and all of the guys are receiving such positive feedback for all of their hard work. I’m so proud of you guys and I can’t wait to see the new movie, which I’m sure will be amazing.
great that you’ve guys paid attention to them, it’s just awesome 🙂 eip is one of the best crews out there on youtube, so keep supporting them!
I love Evil Iguana Productions! everything they do is brilliant! I hope the never stop making movies!
and seriously, if they make shirts and DVDs i know i will have to buy them.
love you guys
I’m so proud of all the guys for doing what you love to do. It takes some people a long time to figure out what they want to do and you guys have not only figured it out but your actually going above and beyond. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait for the next movie.
I love EIP, always have! I’ll definately be buying a t-shirt and the dvd.
These guys are going to the top, no doubt about it.
Thanks so much for this, Blast!
ha ha , Joe commented. Anywho, i LOVE Allen and Craig, and all the guys working on Evil Iguana Productions. Before i read this (before i knew it was up) i watched every episode of the Allen and Craig show. i LOVE evil iguana productions like woah =D
Everything EIP makes makes me laugh hysterically, especially the Allen and Craig Show. Please, don’t stop making videos EIP, i don’t what i would do without your guys’ great sense of humor, and Allen and Craigs hot bodies(drawn with marker). Haha I love you guys!!!
They are AH-MAY-ZING!
Keep up the incredible, fantastic work guys!
With Love,
Joe’s, Kyle’s, and Craig’s were awesome!
Who the hell is Aunt Mary? lol
I love these guys they have true talent! GOOOO EIP!! 🙂
I love them!!!!
And they’re from Chicago! That’s just awesome
they are hilarious
This is so surreal!!! i love you guys. Congrats.
Oh man I so hope there is a sequel to “Fuzz”. Awesome interview. Keep up the good work EIP.
I would totally buy there t-shirts and DVD this is the best stuff on youtube!!!
bet you guys never even dreamed you’d be where you are now.
congratulations, and fantastic interview guys.
I Love EIP! I can’t wait to see them next year at Twicon, The Allen and Craig show is hilarious and the Twilight spoof too XD
Hell yeah Evil Iguanas gets noticed. It’s about time. Te best thing in the world right there. I spread all the love at my school by telling everyone to check them out. I bet they’ll get plenty enough money to buy more high end equipment once they sell merch. Once again, funniest people in the world right here. I love Evil Iguana Production.
I could not be more pumped for EIP. These guys are funny, amazing and deserve to make it. I’d support these guys and buy anything they put out.
Congratulations! You guys are gonna go far.
This group is fantastic. All of the positive feedback they are getting is so well deserved. Can’t wait for the new film guys.
Hahahaha awesome. My name’s in teh internetz nao.
How did these guys ever go under my radar? Cool Stuff.
this time craig has the spolight
how cool is that?!
These guys are so talented. My friends get so pissed when i start to quote them… well i kinda do it 25/8 but it is just because they are THAT funny. Honestly i hope they make it huge so i can say “I used to watch those dudes way back when”
Talented, Adorable, and Hardworking what more could you ask for!
Rock On EIP ROCK ON!!!!
I am sooo proud of you Allen! I wish you and your company best wishes for future success! To think I knew you when you a smal kid! Can’t wait to see you on the big screen some day and be able to say. I knew him when!! 🙂
I love the EIP guys! They are so funny, and talented. Me and my cousin got bored one day, so we made “Team Allen” and “Team Craig” shirts with “” on the back. I know, Allen and Craig aren’t really like that, but we couldn’t resist. It was great! They are probably my favorite people on Youtube. I think they are waaay better than Fred.
EIP rock!! i love the show and all the spoofs they are so funny!
i would SO buy one of the T-shirts!
cant wait for the new film!
keep up the great work guys!
Ann-Marie x
I absolutely love you guys. Craig your amazing! And Allen of cours!
I cant wait to see the new batman film! Love You!!!
i can’t wait to see the film guys.
i love you Craig.
if i’m having a bad day, all i have to do is watch and EIP film, and i’m all happy again. lol.
allen and craig show rocks. i love you.
kay well hmm, let me jst say bravo allen and craig bravo
love the allen and craig show and cant wait for the next ep 😛
Yay! I’m so glad that people recognize the brilliance that is Evil Iguana Productions. Craig and Allen have always been my favorites. I started watching them about 2 weeks before the Dark Knight spoof came out and I loved them, and I hoped that they would get big. And look, they did! Maybe I would be better suited to the stock market. :]
Seriously, though, these guys are great.
If you’re gonna put out some t-shirts and DVD’s then I’m definitely going to buy them.
Just wanted to say that I’m so proud of EIP for all their hard work and great comedic skills! I knew you guys would be famous someday. I’ve only seen their videos since this summer, but already their videos are becoming huge favorites of mine.
I especially love the Allen and Craig Show. 🙂
EIP is awesome, especially Craig. But then I would have to say that!
“Craig, you’re such an asshole”
I would totally buy a tshirt saying that. i mean it.
Someday, when these guys are really rich and famous, married to people like Ellen Page, and shining up their many awards in their big ol’ mansions, I can say “Hey, I remember back when they did the Allen and Craig show!” And love them just the same.
EIP will be bigger than they even are now someday. And they will rule the world.
Dude, I love watching the Evil Iguana films, I’m probably the only male out there who does. And, damm Craig, is that your GirlFriend? She’s hot as Hell!
I totally love you guys! I joined your Facebook group and i joined your website and subscribed to you on youtube! keep making those awesome videos!
p.s. allen i dont think your an asshole.
so im definatly one of the girls
who asked for your picture at the fest.
and idk if you guys read this,
but im also jon drummers girlfriend,
and im pretty sure hes mentioned how obsessed i am.
I’m sooo proud of EIP, and I’m so happy for them. They’re all so talented and just amazingly funny. It’s so great to see them getting more and more noticed. I’ve told majority of my friend about them, and they all love EIP. It’s great.
I love all of your films, guys. And the Allen and Craig show is HILARIOUS! keep it up!!! 🙂
I so much enjoyed reading this article. It’s great the guys from EIP get like some of the attention they deserve (they would deserve Hollywood, but, like, whatever … ^^).
Sadly enough that here in Germany so little people know (and want to know) them. I tried to convert my friends and lika all guys I know but unfortunately they are either too lazy or to stupid to watch English things AND understand them. xD That’s like sad, but well … sigh.
Ehm. Yeah. Like … yeah. +cough+
I’m confused. xD
So … EIP people, if you read this: it’s hard for such an obsessed fan as I am to live that far away from you guys, cause I’m desperately hoping to meet you eventually … some day … maybe. I’m sometimes wondering if you would even wnat to talk to me cuz I’m like fangirling a bit, could guess that one would bother you. 😀
I guess some girls will suicide know they read Allen is off the market. (I won’t. I will do when I hear Craig is. xD)
It’s great how you can get famous through YouTube. I’m planning that one as well. xD (Don’t laugh at me, people out there, I’m a musician, I got something like talent. ^^) Just the problem that I don’t own a cam to record myself and my father won’t lend me his. .___. Whatever. I’m babbling. xD
Since I am already spamming, I could add that two of my friends and I are working on an video answer to the first Episode of the Show (so just watch out ^^).
Okay, to come back to topic: The article is awesome, makes me feel connected to my personal gods EIP. xD
And you guys are awesome, too. +nod nod+ Absolutely awesome. Awesome, unbelievable, great, talented, extremely funny, drop-dead gorgeous 😉 and absolutely addictive.
(But I still hate you, Craig, for not answering the question about Capt’n Crunch and Tony the Tiger I asked on your freewebs page … xD)
Praise the bored.
love their videos, hope they continue to make great stuff
They are the best Youtube and also the best Film makers in general
h my god, what the hell?
ps. craig i love you. eip, i love you all
<3, your wife
i can’t wait to see their movie. and i am so excited for allen’s interview, allen is my fave 😀
i love craig too, but yea allen is just so amazing, and he likes the strokes so yea, [ i am obsessed with the strokes ] yep yep. i love him. lol i also love julian casablancas (singer/songwriter for the strokes) WOOT!
wow this is great… i cant think of anything else to day but congrats Craig, and EIP your really starting to get noticed.
I love you guys!!!! 🙂
Awww…man I love these guys. They are so awesome! I would definitely buy t-shirts and ‘The Allen and Craig show’ on DVD. That’s non stop laughter on one DVD! Can’t ask for anything better. 😀
Pretty impressive, now I know why Joe doesn’t call his mom! Hope to see more of of all you guys, GREAT JOB! Keep up the good work, and oh btw Craig, tell Joe to call his mom and come for Thansgiving Day, ok? ps you are invited too!
EIP is freaking AWESOME!!!!
LoL, I remember when everyone was freaking out that Allen cut Craig’s hair off in one of the episodes. They were going on and on about how much of a jerk Allen was. I mean, did they seriously think that Allen would have done that if Craig hadn’t want to of cut his hair? (Plus I asked Allen and he said Craig had wanted to cut his hair for a while.) Anyway-Allen seems really nice. He’s nice enough to actually reply when people leave messages and to quote him “[he’s] not an asshole, [he] just plays one online.” I will definitely buy shirts and DVD’s!!! I love all of their videos and can’t wait for Silent Night!!!! I love these guys !!! 🙂 <3
I got all my friends into EIP;) Hearing the phrases “Get Out My Face”, “WHO SHUT THAT?!”, and “NO, HE WANTS MY CANDY BAR!” is a common occurrence around us:)
EIP is the best thing on YouTube!!!!
Evil Iguana Productions is the best YouTube channel.
I discovered them through the DKTS. It was so awesome.
I looked through more of their videos.
Watched all of the Allen and Craig’s in one night. (There were only seven or eight at the time)
And now look where EIP are now!
Good job guys!
Okay, firstly I LOVE your videos! 😀 They are great, and make me laugh even if I have seen them a million times 😛
Now, I am not just some crazy fangirl here to praise you all and be like “EEE OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!” XD
no no no…
I truely respect all you guys have done, and I hope that one day I can figure out how to make movies like you guys 😛 (okay that WAS a sorta fangirly remark, but that’s beside the point! :D)
Wow you guys! This is Amazing! I love your videos, and knew that you guys would get more feedback, and very famous. You guys just keep up the good work, don’t let negative feedback bother you, for you guys are wonderful, keep chins high, and just go out there and do your thing! I am so happy for you guys to get noticed like this. That is just too awesome!
Hahahha =P
EIP ruuuuuules
Aww omg this totally made my day.
I’m so happy to see them get all this attention! 😀
You guys are amazing! I love your shows and spoofs. The best part is that you guys are just having fun and expressing yourselves; it’s very inspiring.
I am so glad that I was up at 2 AM one day just looking at spoofs, or I would’ve missed out on great media. Craig Deering: along with Catherine Hardwicke, Chris Columbus, and George Lucas, you are my favorite director. Keep it up, boys (and Robin). You guys are it. 🙂
my deepest love for evil iguana productions – you lot are fabulous!!!
All the EIP films are damn good. I love you guys. Keep it up!
*Greetings from Romania!
I love EIP, I got tons of my friends into them.
They’re my youtube heroes.
Congratulations! As a starting filmmaker myself, I’m glad to see your ideas and movies are flying! I can’t wait to see more!!! 🙂
omg i love eip! my entire class in malaysia have watched the twilight spoof and we laughed so hard! and i love the allen and craig show you guys are such great actors.
I love you guys SO much!!!!
How can I get my hands on one of those T-shirts or DVDs!?!
I would definitely buy a t-shirt! You guys are the greatest. I pretty much go to youtube just to see what you guys are up to. And twilight was hilarious! Even though I am a huge fan of the books, when I was watching the movie, there were certain scenes where all I could think about was what you put in the trailer! haha. Keep it up guys!
PS. I know this will most likely never happen, but I’d love to meet all of you. You seem like a lot of fun.
I totally agree with Joe, Craig DOES say like a lot but still you guys are AWESOME!! the whole team. My friends and I can’t wait for the next Allen and Craig, as well as Silent Night and the Christmas special!! also, Fuzz was hilarious and can’t wait to see a new one!! You guys are my FAVORITE youtubers ever you’ve inspired my friends and i to make spoofs! T-shirts? DVDs? I know what I want for christmas!!! Thank you guys so much and thanks Blast Magazine!!!
And another thing: I now have all my friends singing: “Everywhere you go, everyone you see, hey there’s an Olsen Twin…waving back at me! Where are my shoes? OH they’re on my feet! Now we are all good, cuz they’re on my feet!” ~~EIP (Allen Ep. 9) and
“When life hands you lemonade, throw it back and say I’M ALLERGIC!!!”
and lastly,
“Craiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggg…….” “Who is this?” “it’s Robert, Craig!!” “Robert! I thought the ghost was Taba—” “shut up! Tabatha SUCKS! ROBERT RULES”
i feel like i know these people but i have never, and never will, meet them. i think these guys are awesome. someone wrote something about dvds……. where can i find those?
I absolutely LOVE Evil Iguana Productions. If they ever put the Allen and Craig Show out of DVD, I would buy it in a heartbeat. I found out about them because of the Twilight spoof, but I love them because of the Allen and Craig show. I showed all of my friends their videos and they love them just as much as I do. I cannot wait for Silent Night! You rule, EIP!
PS: I would definitely buy the shirts too.
Hey I absolutely LUV EIP!!! They r SO awesome and they do so many random things that make it SO funny! Me and my friends always talk about the episodes on the Craig and Allen Show and also the spoofs. We luv watching them and telling our fav parts. They r a really great crew and probably the best on youtube. u guys just beat everyone!! I luv u guys and i can’t wait till next video! KEEP IT UP!!!
luv ya,
What Shirts and DVDS!? OMG!! Of course, i would totally buy them! AHH!! That would b so cool if they did! It’s like having non-stop laughter 24/7! That’s awesome!
EIP is the best thing i have found on the internet ever! it has me in tears its so funny! you guys are awesome keep doing what your doing! and it would be so cool if you actually put the allen and craig show on dvd!
Thanks for being awesome! keep it coming!
these guys are amazing!!!! They’ve inspired me to do more videos, and have gotton my sisters into filmaking finally! We love walking around quoting them and calling each other, “Really Really Gay” (Kill death 2) They’ve even started a few fights over who’s better, Allen or Craig. That issue still remains unresolved.
Evil Iguana Productions is amazing and I got all of my friends into it too! “Such an a**hole” is commonly said in my group of friends. I hope you guys really do make it big, and continue making movies. You have such a talent for it. I await the newest episode of The Allen and Craig show!
I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH. Your the best thing i have seen on youtube through my whole life. <3
hey eip shows and spoofs are great i remember the first show they did allen and craig show is my favorite
p.s. my sister met allen at his cocert for ink lasts longer he plays guitar