DALLAS — Up and coming artist, Sarah Jaffe has recently released her new album titled “Suburban Nature”, this past May.

“Each song has a minimal introduction, as well as a different take,” she said in an interview with Blast.

Geffe called Los Angeles her home for a year, as she began building her music career.

“I graduated a year early from high school, lived in L.A. for a year and dove into music there for awhile,” Jaffe said.

There have been no other options for Sarah once she picked up a guitar and learned to play. She stated, “music makes me feel at ease and gets out my emotions.”

When we asked what her favorite song on her new album was, she enthusiastically said she liked them all.

“I feel weird about having a favorite song. It all depends on the time I wrote it, and what I was feeling at that point in time.”

“Clementine” has been a big hit on her new album. Jaffe wrote the song as a form of self-reflection.

“It is about evolving as a person and apathy toward different situations. I want to be better, but better naturally.”

The music video for “Clementine” expresses the artist’s self-reflection as a person perfectly, and is becoming a big hit on YouTube.

As an artist, Jaffe feels like she has reached every goal she’s set for herself. Her standard of success is, “setting goals in the moment and having them gratified.”

She told Blast she now has more confidence with the people around her, and she still works and pays bills.

“Those things keep me grounded,” said Sarah.

As a small-town girl from Denton, Texas, she certainly seems grounded and knows the fame can fade in an instant. Her future will be expected to be full of travel and recording.

“I hope to continue to build on my live show, travel more and do lots of recording in Denton.”

Sarah has great things in store for her fans in the near future. As she writes her songs, she wants to be able to receive feed-back from her fans, and build confidence through them. this level-headedness and smart take on the music industry, will have her be respected and awed for years to come.

Sarah Jaffe is on tour with Ben Weaver. They play the Living Room in New York on Friday and Rock Shop in Brooklyn on Saturday. She plays T.T. The Bears in Cambridge on Sunday. Visit her official website for more information.

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