Alot of kids grow up and want to develop videogames for a living. Understandable, but not easy. However, today I bring you motivation for anyone who has the skills but just needed an extra push. The Indie Game Challenge, which kicked off on July 15, has extended their deadline to October 10. Professional and non-professional video game developers can win almost $300,00 in prizes. The extension grants current participants time to refine their betas and pitch videos in order to create the best entries possible. Judging will commence after October 31. Up to 12 finalists will be announced on or around Jan 15 and up to five members of each finalist team will be flown to an awards reception Feb 19 at the Red Rock Casino Resort Spa in Las Vegas. So anyone who can compete, should! Comment below with your thoughts and opinions!

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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