Creative visionary Tim Burton takes the producer’s seat alongside Timur Bekmambetov (director of “Wanted”) in the much anticipated animated film, “9” “" a post-apocalyptic adventure in a world without humans, dominated by machines, and survived by nine curious rag doll creatures, fondly referenced as “stitched-punks.” The director behind the film is Shane Acker, whose 2005 short film, also entitled “9” is the origin and basis of the feature-length film. The film also includes a star-studded cast of talented actors: Elijah Wood, Christopher Plummer, John C. Reilly, Jennifer Connelly, Crispin Glover, and Martin Landau.
Watch the new preview clip of a battle between the stitched-punks and their “winged-beast” adversaries.
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ROCKING….what else is there to say when you see something as cool as this….