We at Blast do our best to bring you, the faithful reader, both prolific and readable news stories, reviews, previews, and analysis of the industry, but today we’re pleased to introduce “Chibi Gamer,” our take on the lighter side of the heavy news stories that we run each day. Chibi Gamer is your one-stop hot spot for all things personal and less serious in respect to our and your favorite hobby: video games!
So far we’ve run pieces detailing the hottest nerd icons, and licensed games that don’t suck, but we won’t stop there and your input, in comments, will drive the direction we take in the future. So tell us exactly what you want to see, and your dream will become a manifested reality!
To access Chibi Gamer, hover your mouse over the “Blast Blogs” tab on the Blast front page and scroll all the way to the bottom to reach Chibi Gamer.
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