Blast in association with Total Assault is offering up a free signed poster and an autographed copy of Three Day Grace’s new album “Life Starts Now” which hit music stores September 18th. Comment this post with why you deserve the big prize and the Blast judged best answer will be sent the poster and CD.

Haven’t heard the new album yet? You can check out a full stream here. If you want more information on Three Days Grace don’t forget their myspace page at

About The Author

Megan Vick is a Blast editor-at-large

27 Responses

  1. Blapidus

    Hey, my cousin LOVES Three days grace. His birthday’s coming up and I’d love to get him this as a gift since Three Days Grace have been his favorite band for years. He always listens to their first album before he runs his track meets, so I’m sure he’d be excited if I won him this gift. Let me know!

  2. Danielle R

    I created a rockin’ pair of splat pollack style painted jeans that were inspired by the song Pain by Three Days Grace. The process was simple, I just put on the music and took a paint brush and attacked the pants. Now the world gets to envy them as I wear them. I wonder what cool creations the new CD could inspire…

  3. Nicole

    Three Days Grace are by far my favourite band. I can’t really describe all that they have done for me, but to put it simply, they have honestly saved my life. I know that if it weren’t for 3dg’s music, I wouldn’t be here today. I’ve seen them… I believe now a total of 23 times live, and I love these guys. Getting a poster and the new (amazing) album would be awesome.

  4. Jackie

    My birthday is tomorrow & it would be a great present. The guys are great people and they really care about their fans. Been listening to 3DG since the first album came out. I don’t have a signed poster or a autographed cd by them all and like I said it would be a great present.

  5. Dominique

    :O I’m a big fan from Three Days Grace, you cant buy the cd here in the Netherlands, i want them to come to the netherlands for a concert and i realy wnat a big poster from them , their are amazing, the best band that i know

  6. Danielle

    I’m a 3DG fan since 2006 or something. I love to make music, and I love to play Three Days Grace songs. Their songs mean a lot to me, and it kinda gives me adrenalin every time again. It feels like.. I don’t even have words for it. But their music is so special to me, and I hope that they wont stop making music for a long long time.

  7. Laura

    I’ve stuck by Three Days Grace’s music for years through happy times and times that were getting me down. I find their lyrics really push out messages that can perk you up, help you realize that it’s ‘never too late’ to make things better.
    Having something to put on my wall signed by my favourite band would just be an amazing topper to years of being a fan. My room does need some cool decorations 🙂
    Or maybe I could win this special prize by pointing out the release date was actually 9/22. That date was burned into my brain through being on their Street Team.
    Thanks 🙂

  8. tropicana84

    Thats my comment.. not sure if it helps now since I registered. Oopsie. ^ (Laura)

  9. Richard Viscardi

    I have loved three days grace from the beggining. i supported them when all of their albums came out. Truly i think they are the best band in the world. I think since i am a true member (not saying that everybody else isnt) and that i will love this band forever and will go to more and more of their concerts i should get these goodies. It would be amazing if i won this because this is the best band ever.

  10. Renee Runco

    I’m not going to suck up and say “i’ve been a fan forever, they’re my favourite band ever!”. I’m going to say that no, i havent been a fan since they’ve come out, but since i’ve been a fan i’ve supported them tremendosly by going to concerts, buying merch & cd’s. As a singer, i look up to Adam for new ways to showcase my voice. I don’t THINK they make good music, i KNOW they make good music.

  11. Kyle Larsen

    I’m a big three days grace fan and have bought all their cd’s but my friend is an even bigger fan i forgot about his birthday so it would be the best if i could give him the signed cd.

  12. Erin

    I have been a fan of 3DG since their first album. They are an amazing band and by far my favorite. People don’t really expect me to love the band as much as I do. But I can’t help the music I like. The songs the band makes can be interpreted by almost anyone. I know most of the songs apply to certain things over another, but just knowing there are other people out that that feel a lot like you makes the world a little less scary. Knowing the band and anyone can over come even the toughest times really put strength into me and letting me know I can overcome anything that I have been given.

  13. Traci

    Three Days Grace is my favorite band of all time. Their music has literally saved my life. I am 15, and live in a small town, so getting to shows is a hassle. I would seriously cherish this poster, because getting something signed by my all-time favorite band is a once in a lifetime chance for me. Three Days Grace has changed the way I look at life, and I can say that my new life started September 22, 2009.

  14. Jonathan Tremblay

    Three Days Grace is by far my favorite band and their music saved my life. OK; but.. We all said that in our comment. Now, why should I get those items? That’s really easy! I just moved in my new room. I love it, but the walls are sooooooo empty! There’s nothing hung there except a BB poster. I wanted so bad to buy a TDG posters on Ebay or on any merch site to have a poster of my favorite bands, but there were none. So there I see you wanna give away an AUTOGRAPHED poster and a CD. Ohhhhh damn 🙂 That’s destiny haha

    So that’s it. I need new deco! You know what empty walls look like. It is depressing. I need cool stuff. ^^

  15. Lee Dionne

    My son is 9 years old and absolutely loves 3DG. He’s been listening to them for about 2 years now. He even has his 5 year old sister singing along. He has all the CD’s and the live DVD which he plays all the time. (thank God they’re not tapes, they’d be worn out) He seen them live once before and we just purchased tickets for the Ottawa show in December, which he does not know about yet. He’s also a 3DG Club Member. Being able to give him this poster and signed CD would be extra special to him.

  16. Izvi

    I love three days grace and i have their logo tattooed on the right side of my chest, and that is why i think i really deserve it.

  17. Stephanie K.

    I never like to say that I deserve anything. If it were up to me, everyone who posts here would receive a signed poster and CD. I have been a fan for years and the most amazing thing I’ve seen is how the music of Three Days Grace has brought so many people together and touched so many individual lives. We have all taken something from the band’s music, and their lives, and I find it truly wonderful that they continue to extend the generosity by releasing several autographed items to their fans. So, I want to say Thank You, to all the fans, and to the members of Three Days Grace. You all keep the fire alive.

  18. Tim Swanson

    Three Days Grace absolutly ROCK! altho I already showed my love and support for the band by Pre-Ordering Life Starts Now, I still havnt got a signed Three Days Grace item… Somthing to hang up or put on my shelf to show off.. Life Starts Now was a long but worth while wait.. As i checked the website almost everday.. by the time it got to september all my mates started to count down the days with me. I would be like guess whats happening in 10 DAYS!!! they would be like LIFE STARTS NOW!! I’d like to thank Three Days Grace on behalf of myself and fellow friends/fans who truely love Three Days Grace. Hope to see a Australian Tour in 2010!

  19. Taviah S

    Three Days Grace is my favourite band of all time. I listen to them all the time, any time that I possibly can. Their music always gets me through anything and everything, no matter what it is, without fail. I tell everyone I possibly can about Three Days Grace, and that they should listen to them, because even if they don’t like that style of music, I know the lyrics will mean something to everyone. They mean everything to me. I do everything I can related to Three Days Grace; my room is painted with lyrics and logos everywhere. When everyone read children’s stories for English class to show expression, I read a biography about Three Days Grace because I knew I could show a lot of good expressions about them! I will do just about anything for anything Three Days Grace, because I don’t know what I’d do without them!

  20. Alan Nalley

    why do i deserve free goodies? well lets me realistic here its because im awesome! no but seriously though three days grace rocks the house and ive always wanted there autograph so itd be just plain awesome to actually say “hey i got tdg’s autograph”!

  21. Michael Cade

    I deserve the goodies because Three Days Grace has achieved their goal and I’m one of the many people that can relate to their music. Three Days Grace said that with this new album, “Life Starts Now”, that they wanted the fans to connect. i can connect with many of the songs, “World So Cold” which is plainly about a man not having the woman he wanted to be with, who left him, and him being lost without her, I’m going through that right now… I connect with the music. I deserve the goodies. Rock on Three Days Grace.

  22. Rhonda Meredith

    Aaahhhh Three Days Grace…The question here is why do I deserve the autographed poster and cd…..I am a fan to the most humble and hardworking band. I recognize what they do isn’t easy and yet they put out quality music. I support Three Days Grace. ALways have and always will…

  23. Justin Baldwin

    I LOVE THREE DAYS GRACE! I deserve it i know everything there is to know about them ive went to there concert, own all the cds (disc, Itunes), I have the super deluxe package, Adam is my idol and he inspires me to go on, and i just recently broke up with my girlfriend who i loved LOTS, and both my grandparents just died last month from cancer and heart failure, im going to another one of there concerts, and i bought a meet and greet, i support them and i would go for adam anyday even though im into girls! I DESERVE THE CD AND POSTER!!!

  24. Clarissa

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for nearly two years, and our anniversary is in November. He LOVES Three Days Grace and introduced their music to me. For our first anniversary, I spent weeks making him a scrapbook, but now I really can’t think of what to get him.

    My boyfriend is an amazingly hard worker, and he’s becoming a firefighter. He’s helped me through so much, and I can’t think of anything that would be special enough for him. However… I know an autographed Three Days Grace CD would make him VERY very happy! Help me make him smile 🙂

    Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  25. Sina Remmel

    My boyfriend was the first fan of TDG here in germany. Since their first single came out here he is so fanatically in love with them that sometimes its even hard for me to not be forgotten ;P He visited one of the only concerts in germany when they were here together with 3 doors down (although he dont even like 3 doors down), he was one of the only ones who realy rocked the place that night and after it he tried to get an autograph, but tdg were in a big hurry so he were left alone and sad… I think he deserves the price the most because he will never have a big chance to get an autograph himself here in germany and because hes such an abiding fan though hes so far away. I realy love him and withou him I wouldnt be what I am today so I think about a real extraordinary christmaspresent so I can give him something back and to show him how important he`s to me. I want to see him smile, forgetting his problems, his ill mother, his jobless father. Maybe you could help me with that!

    greetings from Germany

  26. Megan Vick

    Thanks to everyone that has participated! We really appreciate it, but just wanted to let you all know that Nicole has been decided the winner of the contest. Stay tuned though because there’s plenty more contests coming up soon.

    -Blast Magazine

  27. Jade Thompson

    My boyfriends favourite band is Three days grace and his birthday is coming up and I’ve been looking for something to get him for months and nothing has been good enough as I always tell him I get the best presents and it would mean a lot if I could get him this.


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