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Fanboys: The best movie about Star Wars ever

The Force clearly was with Kyle Newman and Adam Goldberg in the decision to make the movie, though it probably took a Jedi mind trick for the studio execs to get it into the theaters. Which is undoubtedly why it took three years to release.
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Joshua Jackson talks Grey’s with Blast

Joshua Jackson might now be the star of J.J. Abrams' new sci-fi drama "Fringe," but we "Grey's Anatomy" fans out there remember a time not so long ago where Jackson was supposed to be the new dreamy doctor at Seattle's Grace.
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Tony Stark at New York Comic-con?

There's nothing more obvious than a pack of security guards wrapped around someone who is trying to be seen, so these two tried a different approach to roaming unnoticed through the artist gallery.
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A chaste discussion of the first 18 minutes of Watchmen

The 18 minutes of "Watchmen" footage reaffirmed what I already anticipated - "Watchmen" is brilliant. Dave Gibbons, co-creator and illustrator of the "Watchmen" graphic novel, discussed with the audience how director Zack Snyder incorporated a combination of scenes both in and outside of the comic book to create a better visual picture for all audiences to appreciate. I was awed how, within the first 10 minutes of footage, "Watchmen" had managed to establish the idea of "the Doomsday clock is always five minutes to midnight" and the fact the film takes place in an alternate time where Nixon is still president.
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Blast and /Film review first 46 minutes of Up

Blast reporter Kellen Rice and myself teamed up with David Chen and Devindra Hardawar of /Film Saturday evening to discuss a New York Comic-con exclusive showing of the first 46 minutes and 14 secionds of Pixar and Disney's upcoming film, "Up."