Christmas is a booze-filled time of year. From work parties, to socialising, to the stress of finding presents, cooking dinner and welcoming the in-laws. It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can be difficult too.
For many adults, alcohol takes centre stage, in some cases to toast the occasion, in others to simply get through it.
Of course, in the case of the latter, that’s not healthy, and for recovering alcoholics it can be an even more difficult time of the year. Many will have spent all year going through alcohol rehab, only for recovery to be hampered by someone pressuring them into a glass of mulled wine.
If you do suffer from alcohol addiction, Christmas is the time of year where you really need to work hard. However, there are tips you can take to help get you through it…
Be honest, and lean on your support system
Support systems are always vital, but especially at this time of the year. They will help you get through it and be conscious of your recovery. This will ultimately mean that they will keep you away from alcohol and be empathetic to your situation.
However, there could be instances where that isn’t the case, particularly with people that don’t know you or aren’t aware of your situation. In this case, honesty is the best policy and you’ll find that the best way to avoid temptation and any pressure into drinking is make them aware of the situation. Most people will be respectful of that and won’t ask you if you’d like a beer or glass of wine again.
Find yourself a non-alcoholic alternative
You can replace alcohol with some great non-alcoholic alternatives these days and taking those along with you to social activities can be the perfect remedy.
It’s hard to have a drink replenished when you’ve already got one in your hand, so be the master of your domain and take something that you enjoy that won’t lead to any temptation elsewhere.
Find relaxation
It’s hugely important that you have some you time and take the time to continue your recovery and the routine that you have on a day-to-day basis.
If you have a daily routine as part of your recovery that includes the likes of yoga, meditation or exercise, ensure you don’t skip that and find the time to do it.
Additionally, if you are finding a certain situation difficult, make sure you have an outlet to find that space and routine, whether it be a room in a parent’s house, or the opportunity to go home at any point, have that available to you rather than suffer in silence and potentially fall off the wagon.
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