Music is an all-powerful force, used by millions of people to express emotions or to ignite a specific mood. It is a universal language that many of us use to tell others who we are or to let people know exactly how we are feeling. These five songs are my personal mood enhancers. I cannot listen to a single one of these songs without singing along at the top of my lungs and doing what only I consider dancing. They make me happy and they give me a rush of pure energy. These songs make me feel like I’m on top of the world and maybe they’ll do the same for you. Comment with your favorite mood enhancing songs!
1“Secret Crowds” by Angels and Airwaves
Angels and Airwave’s first album, I-empire. Media Credit to Wikipedia
For those of you Blink 182 fans, this band is Tom DeLonge’s side project. It certainly is no Blink 182, but his songs are powerful and that signature voice is on point. This song is off of their second album titled I-Empire and is the ultimate empowerment song. The lyrics are essentially telling you to get up and speak your mind. Because if we all speak up, we can’t possibly be ignored. To get the full experience of this song, I suggest listening to it at top volume. You have to feel the rush of the music as it fills your ears. DeLonge’s voice is strong and it only continues to build along with the instruments. And it all comes together in this perfect blend of power and strength that is the chorus. I challenge anyone to listen to this song and not feel your entire spirit be lifted.
2 “Kings and Queens” by 30 Seconds To Mars
Jared Leto has an innate ability to take you through a range of emotions solely with his voice. He doesn’t just sing, he pours his soul out with every lyric. This is the perfect song to listen to when you’ve hit a rough patch or if you’re feeling anything less than good enough. It reminds you that you are your own worst enemy, that no one is perfect, and the rest of the world doesn’t expect you to be. But there is always the opportunity to do better than the ones before us. It breathes this hopeful message into your life that can’t possibly be ignored. The song is off of 30 Seconds’ third album titled This Is War. I suggest giving all of its songs a listen, but this is a personal favorite. It captures the essence of humanity in a mere six minutes.
3 “Stay The Night” by Zedd featuring Hayley Williams
Album art for Stay the Night. Media credit to
Now, I don’t usually enjoy electronic music. I just don’t understand it or get the feeling that others do when they listen to it. I often think it’s a lot of loud noises used to fill in quiet space in nightclubs so no one can actually have a conversation. But it is a very popular genre of music and I can appreciate that. However, this song in particular is so simple and so catchy that you can’t help but start to dance when it comes on the radio. It certainly helps that Hayley Williams is such a powerhouse vocalist. As soon as that first chorus kicks in your energy just jumps into high gear. Regardless of whatever you were doing, your head will be bobbing along to the music or your arms will be practically in the air as if on instinct. The bonus to this song is that it makes everyone dancing in those nightclubs feel better about taking a complete stranger home with them. Or for those of us who may dive into bed with someone we know we shouldn’t. Plus, next time you want someone to stay the night, you’ll know exactly what to say. This song just amps you up, and for all the ladies out there I suggest you listen to this song as you get ready for a night out. You can’t possibly be in a bad mood after singing and dancing your heart out.
4 “Carry On Wayward Son” by Kansas
Any Supernatural fans out there? Because if you watch that show odds are you already adore this song. This is one of two songs I know by Kansas, who have been around since 1973. It’s off their fourth album back in 1976 called Leftoverture, and has certainly stood the test of time. It’s the ultimate power ballad, in my opinion. And I would delve into what this song means but it has so many interpretations that I’ll leave it up to your imagination. Even if you don’t know a single word aside from that chorus, odds are you belt out those four lines every single time. You can’t possibly be sad when listening to this song. It just leaves you feeling optimistic, and you know that you can carry on with Kansas by your side.
5 “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It” by REM
The men of R.E.M. Media credit to
REM has managed to put such a catchy spin on the idea of the apocalypse. Whenever someone predicts the end of days, this is my go-to song. Of course, this song isn’t necessarily about the world ending in fire or in some religious rapture. It’s more of a realistic look at what the world is like. There are constant issues plaguing us all. You can’t turn on the five o’clock news without hearing about some new illness or some popular food that may or may not give you cancer. The economy is garbage, unemployment rates are still high, things don’t look so pretty. In this world there is always something to be afraid of, and the media always plays it up like the end is near. Considering this song is about a pretty hard hitting subject, it may seem a little out of place. But for those who haven’t heard the song, it is a gem. The fast pace of it all just makes you want to get on your feet. And the chorus is too catchy not to sing along to. And in a way, it’s reminding us all that even though the picture we’re seeing is far from ideal, most of us are doing just fine. It certainly makes you start to consider your own problems trivial considering the state of the rest of the world. It can rejuvenate you, and help you move past that little something that may have been bothering you.
Keep on wor?ing, great job!
%first_paragraphK&N has recently released air filter part number 33-2444 for 2010 Cadillac SRX drivers with both the 3. This performance air filter is designed to provide both engines with more power and torque while providing outstanding engine protection. This nearly square panel style air filter has a step and ridge along the outer edges that were put in place to create a proper sealing surface when matched with the Cadillac SRX air box.
Though the Padres have one of the smallest payrolls in the league, the surprising Pads nearly were able to hold off the San Francisco Giants to win the National League West. Here’s a look at how the division worked out in an unpredictable, highly entertaining season.
One easy way to determine if you pet has fleas is to take a flea comb and search for tiny black dots in her fur. But if you do catch you cat scratching a specific area over and over again, it probably means that she has fleas. Because of basic differences in anatomy, cats are not nearly as good at scratching as dogs, so it may be more difficult to detect an infestation in a feline than in a canine. These dots are called ?flea dirt,? but they are actually the excrement fleas leave behind as they feast on your cat.
Outlook for next season – With Tulo, Gonzalez and Jimenez, the Rockies have some very nice pieces to build around. Now they just need some guys to get on base at the top of their order and they can challenge the Giants in the division.
This kit includes both the air filter cleaner and air filter oil. The filter was designed with the scientific principles of impaction, diffusion and interception in mind. The pleats contain layers of oil impregnated surgical cotton gauze. This filter can be used for up to 50,000 miles before cleaning is necessary depending on driving conditions. As with every K&N air filter, part 33-2444 is both washable and reusable and can be easily cleaned and re-oiled using the K&N re-charge kit # 99-5000.
Drive it to its optimum capacity with an additional E-SATA external storage to store more than what you can feed it. Now that is more than enough for the whole family and a start-up business! HP Micro G7 n40l NHP US SVR runs at 1. If that is not enough, try plugging up to 8TB of SATA drives via four pluggable drives to use the server to its full capacity and witness the technological wonders for yourself. 5GHz with 250GB of storage capacity per core for the basic one while it doubles for the Microsoft software pre-installed version.
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Hookworms and roundworms can cause anemia and sometimes death, especially in adolescent cats and in kittens. It affects the skin and it will make your pet itchy and uncomfortable. Though they are far less likely to come down with the infection than dogs, cats can also serve as hosts for heartworms, and the parasite can kill them. Felines get worms by eating rodents or birds that were also infected. Another worm that is not actually a worm but a fungus is ringworm. Worms Cats are extremely active animals and even if they are domesticated, most owners let them go outside.
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Inhibition of two mammalian cysteine proteinases: E-64 has been reported to inhibit two other mammalian cysteine proteinases: cathepsin L and a proteinase from human breast-tumour tissue and the calcium-dependent proteinase, calpain, from chicken muscle 5, 6.
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