New and Improved Opera Coast Browser for iPadOpera recently launched a new version of its Coast browser for iPad.  This Version 2.0 includes new home screen customization options, faster navigation and more music features.

The updated Coast is an especially welcome change for music fans.  It allows users to control their favorite music sites, like Soundcloud, directly from the iOS lock screen.  In addition, websites that play music or sound will “come to life” on the home screen.  Their icons will have a visual indication that looks like a graphic waveform to make it easier to see where music is playing.

Other new features include the ability to tap and hold on the home screen to customize the background.  Users can also open PDFs from the Web directly in iBooks or a different PDF reader now.  Smaller improvements in the speed to navigate between pages and the ability to recognize cyber attacks also distinguishes the new Coast.

Opera first released Coast in September.  It is a different type of browser that doesn’t contain back and forward buttons or other commands that normally appear at the top of a standard browser, like the URL field.  Instead, users navigate the Web simply by swiping.

Coast Version 2.0 is now available for free in the App Store.

About The Author

Aneri Pattani is a Blast correspondent and journalism student at Northeastern University

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