HBO announced a fifth season for the drama “Big Love,” giving it a 10-episode order for season five. The series, which stars Bill Paxton, begins production in the summer, and the new season premieres next winter.
FOX announced “So You Think You Can Dance” opens a seventh season with a two-hour premiere on May 27 at 8 p.m.
Syfy picked up the rights to “Merlin,” a British series from FremantleMedia. The series premiers in April. The first season aired on NBC last summer, but the second series will also air for the first time ever in the US.
Actress Brit Morgan will play Debbie Pelt, the psycho ex-girlfriend of Alcide in HBO’s “True Blood.” Emily Rose, from NBC’s “ER” will star in the new Syfy drama “Haven” based on Stephen King’s “The Colorado Kid.” Rose plays an FBI agent who comes to a small town in Manie to investigate a murder. Supernatural stuff happens.
I am sadly disappointed that the writers of Big Love saw fit to have their racist views (or those of Mormons?) towards Blacks known. I’m talking about the scene where Nikki’s boys, Margine, and Cathy’s sister are watching a old tv program featuring white men in blackface. The way they were just watching it for entertainment and not commenting on it let me know it was cool to them.
I agree, I really like Big Love but when they actually felt it was a point to put that racist crap in the show I really disapointed. I’ve been watching this show for years and never saw anything like that before, so open like that. Like what was the point, then it brings me to another point, I have not seen any African Americans in the show period! I would love to have a talk with the writers. Maybe we need to make a little noise about this. Because it is ignorant and wrong, and makes a great show not so great.