The Rapala franchise is being given a new entry to the series. Rapala: We Fish is the latest entry in the series, and is being developed exclusively for the Wii. The game comes with the Rapala fishing rod and reel peripheral which allows for an authentic fishing experience (combined with the surreal aspect of video games). With five different game modes, co-op tournaments, 4 player split-screen and multiplayer modes, players can have as much fun as they would if they were actually fishing. Players can choose from five preset characters or play as their favorite Mii. With 8 locations around the world and compete in 24 tournament events while battling over 50 wacky fish species. The fish have their own personalities which will throw players for a kilter. When playing tournaments, you must not only fish but race your boat in an arcade style competition with power-ups, turbo speed boosts and fighting. This will be a very exciting addition to the Wii console and should definitely entertain fishing enthusiasts.

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About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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