It’s been a whirlwind past few days for Brit Brit (and myself, please excuse my absence). Though I don’t have the excuse of a 90-minute MTV documentary, Christmas tree lighting or 27th birthday club bash like Ms. Spears does. Britney: For the Record aired Sunday night to 3.7 million viewers, she’s been performing places like Good Morning America and a recent concert tour has tickets selling like photos of Britney’s cooch used to. On the surface, for B things are looking up. Even ex-husband Kevin Federline is waving the white flag in the new issue of People. He says:

That’s the mother of my children. Just because I’m not in love with her doesn’t mean that I don’t love her. I’m definitely rooting for her. There’s nothing more that I want than for her to be in the best health and doing what she loves to do.

Then again, this could just be another popozao-ploy by the smooth operator himself. He better watch out. Britney’s living life like a karate kid.

About The Author

Gaby Dunn is a journalist, comedian, and a boatload of other stuff. The 2009 Emerson College graduate lives in New York.

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