This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of Wrestlemania and 2K, the new home of the WWE games series is set to mark it in a big way, by letting players reenact some of the greatest moments from the grandaddy of them in WWE 14. The mode, unveiled today will allow players to completely recreate some of the event’s biggest matches and play them out however they want. 2K has promised roughly forty-five matches will be in the mode but have only confirmed three: Hogan VS Andre from Wrestlemania 3, Rock VS Hogan from Wrestlemania 18 and Rock VS Cena from Wrestlemania 28. Did you catch that? Hogan is in the game, as in Hulk Hogan, as in the current face of TNA Wrestling Hogan. Ouch.

“Re-creating these amazing moments throughout history required 2K to construct the greatestWWE roster lineup to date,” Cory Ledesma, the game’s creative director, said in a conference call announcing the new mode. Ledesma isn’t kidding either, besides Rock, Hogan and Andre, The Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage have already been confirmed for this year’s game, no doubt making fan’s minds race with ideas for matches that could be included in the mode. Of course, long-time fans will remember that this isn’t the firs time that a game has let them relive moments from the big event, 2008’s Legends of Wrestlemania had the same premise, but WWE 14 looks to go deeper (plus, it won’t feature those weird quicktime events that Legends of Wrestlemania did). The new mode will feature authentic superstar entrances, arenas and crowd reactions true to the actual event.

“The fact you can in some way relive that and be a part of it as a WWE fan is an amazing opportunity,” said Paul Levesque, current WWE Executive better known to the world as Triple H. “”It’s no doubt that Rock will be in here a lot, and you are gonna see some of the greatest iconic moments from Rock’s career,” he added. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the cover star of the game, after all.”

WWE 14 comes out this October, keep checking with Blast for more information as it becomes available.


About The Author

Joe Sinicki is Blast's Executive Editor. He has an unhealthy obsession with Back to the Future and wears cheese on his head. Follow him on Twitter @BrewCityJoe

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