South African startup WooThemes has acknowledged that it has been hacked. According to, the premium WordPress developer released a statement today where it confirmed that it was the victim of a “very malicious & severe hack, which has been the reason for being offline for this time.”

Co-founder Adriaan “Adii” Pienaar assured users that despite possible user account data loss, any credit card information is safe. WooThemes has stated that any future product development has been stopped and all effort is concentrated on fixing any damaged caused by the intrusion.

The company was bringing is about $2 million in sales as of 2010 and had over 50,000 paying costumers. It’s biggest product was the WordPress plugin WooCommerce which let users turn their WordPress site into an e-commerce site, allowing users to customize a micro-economy in their site, with the ability to track sales modify shipping rates.

WooThemes will update customers via its blog over the coming days and weeks.

WooThemes powered the Bvents Blast Magazine events calendar. As a precaution, we have taken the calender site down and have decided to seek alternate software to power it in the future.

About The Author

Ivan Favelevic is Blast Magazine's Associate Gaming Editor. He knows he would be a nobody in Westeros and is ok with that. Follow him on Twitter @FlyingBags to hear random thoughts on games plus some soccer and basketball rants.

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