I’ve dedicated a good portion of my life to writing, thinking, and speaking about dating, sex, love, and relationships.

I’ve written countless articles and hosted two radio shows and an internet TV show about these important subjects. At 34, I’ve had a ton of experiences out there in the dating and relationship world, and I want to share what I’ve learned with you by answering your questions. I am here to help you in your quest to find a healthy, happy dating life and/or relationship. I promise to always be honest and to try my darnedest to practice in my own life what I preach to you.

So send me your dating, sex, love, and relationship questions to [email protected], and I’ll reply to you when my video answer has been posted on Blast.

Your real name will not be used. Please keep your questions under 500 words.

About The Author

Neely Steinberg is a Blast correspondent. Follow her on Twitter @NeelySteinberg She answers your dating/relationship questions in her Blast video advice column MP4 Love.

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