UPDATE: Hey Folks, all of the beta keys have been given away, thanks for entering, and thanks for reading!

Oh, do I have your attention?

Blast Magazine has received a handful of Killzone 3 beta keys, and are ready to dish them out.  Winning is simple, all you’ve got to do is be a Blast Magazine member (or join and become one) and comment on this post — make it something Killzone related though. 5 random commenters will win a Killzone 3 beta code that they can use to try out next year’s hot anticipated PS3 shooter almost three months early. You can leave as many comments as you want, but that won’t increase your

Want even more of a chance to win? I’m going to be giving away four more codes on Twitter. All you’ve got to do is follow me @JoeSinicki, and tweet “Hey @JoeSinicki, I want a Killzone 3 beta code from Blast Magazine!” Also, be sure to look for our Killzone 3 coverage blowout in the next issue!

While you’re at it, follow Blast at @blastmagazine for all the updates from Blast Magazine.

About The Author

Joe Sinicki is Blast's Executive Editor. He has an unhealthy obsession with Back to the Future and wears cheese on his head. Follow him on Twitter @BrewCityJoe

76 Responses

  1. Joshua Higgins

    I loved Killzone 2 and I’m more than positive that Killzone 3 will bring something new to the franchise! Black Ops? I think I’ll stick to Killzone…

  2. Joshua Higgins

    I loved Killzone 2 and I’m more than positive that Killzone 3 will bring something new to the franchise! Black Ops? I think I’ll stick to Killzone…

  3. Ian

    Looking forward to Killzone 3! I have been trying to get in the beta for a few weeks now, hopfully you guys can help me out with a code. I am still playing Killzone 2 multiplayer but I think it’s time for something new.

  4. Sterling Kinley

    I am a big fan of killzone, I have played all of them except killzone 3. I also have tryed for weeks to get a code and would love one, i have played only killzone 2 multilayer sense it came out.

  5. Joseph DelFranco

    I played over 100 hours of Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 will be an instant purchase. I really want to create a youtube video and spread the word about Killzone 3 through Youtube about the Beta. Killzone 2 is without a doubt my favorite online multiplayer FPS and I would love the opportunity to get into the KZ3 beta. BTW I had a 57 kill streak in Killzone 2 once, so yeah, I’m good.

  6. Cyril

    I’ve been a huge fan of killzone since day one. I’ve been waiting for this franchise to reach its full potential and I think 3 really has a chance to do so. I would like to participate in this beta so that I could provide honest feedback to the devs on how to exceed expectations for the game. Thx.

  7. ara kouftaian

    Hey, please give me a beta code!!!
    i already subscribe here and im fallowing you guys at twitter, this beta means a lot to me i have try many things but i have fail this is my last hope please,it means a lot, I’m a huge KILLZONE fan.

  8. Jamie W

    Hey, I’d love a Killzone 3 beta code. Big fan of the previous games in the series and it would be fantastic to get a sneak peek at the game and maybe help shape the game for its full release.

    Thanks for the giveaway too.

  9. Random guy

    i have played all the previous games to death and still play killzone 2 alot,I’m a huge fan of the series and would die for a beta code

  10. ara kouftaian

    Hey, please give me a beta code!!!
    i already subscribe here and im fallowing you guys at twitter, this beta means a lot to me i have try many things but i have fail this is my last hope please,it means a lot, I’m a huge KILLZONE fan.

    ps. sorry i’m dobble posting but this time is with my account.
    have a great time!!!

  11. Ress

    I would like a beta code plz! I love KZ2 and I’m buying KZ3 day one! Now I just need a taste of the beta!

  12. Steve

    I freakin love the killzone series. I played killzone 2 for months on in and im still playing it today. I want to play in the killzone 3 beta so badly that it hurts. This game looks so incredibly awsome that I jump up and down with joy everytime I see it. I can’t wait for Killzone 3 to finally come out because I will be playing nonstop; which is probably isn’t a good thing but I don’t care. Please give me a beta code; I seriously want to play this game because im a huge fan. Thanks blast for this contest. Its nice to have another opportunity for a code since I can’t get one from anywhere else. I have been trying to get a code since the beta started and still can’t get one. It would be really, really, really nice if you guys change that for me 🙂

  13. Mark D.

    I’ve been trying different avenues to get an Killzone 3 beta code. I’ve played a few of the Call of Duty games and became disinterested. COD’s gameplay is no comparison to Killzone series. I love that KZ is a tactical game that rewards points for team work rather than just killing your opponent. KZ3 might lose beta testers with all the millions of Call of Duty players playing over the next few weeks using their time playing COD deathmatch. I can no doubt give Guerilla Games a solid player playing its beta to improve its multiplayer portion of the game.

  14. Carlos

    Well this is a long shot but i love Killzone and this is all i have been looking forwards too Killzone 3 and the Beta i hope i get one but yeah killzone is awesome love gunning and running to many enemys and kill as many as i can. And even sometimes try to hold back and be organized and all but we know in killzone we are there to basically have fun and this is what i am looking forwards to.

  15. Burtfarsk

    Hallo! I¨m really looking forward to playing this game since its probably the only
    enjoyable fps game¨to me.
    Killzone just have eveything i want in an fps game. I also love betas
    because of the fact that there is mostly ( probably ) hardcore fans and serious
    people playing in betas.

  16. NYRguy91

    hey man, would greatly appreciate it if i recieved a beta key. ive honestly been trying to get into it since it came out. baught ps+ and everything and have still to get one -_-. i loved killzone 2 and have been watching killzone 3 gameplay videos and it looks awesome and id love to be apart of it.

  17. Mike V

    would love to be apart of this killzone3 beta. i love the entire franchise of killzone and cant wait for killzone 3

  18. James Palmer

    I thoroughly enjoyed Killzone 2 and have been keeping track of Killzone 3 news as it’s been coming out. I’d love to get in on the beta.

  19. Steve D

    I’d love a beta code. I’ve played KillZone, KillZone 2 and have prepaid for KillZone 3. And since the game store screwed up my order for Call of Duty black ops. and didn’t get enough in I’ve got LOTS of time on my hand to play it…….

  20. clintos59

    Damn I have 2 ps+ accounts & still didnt get in to the beta, I guess I was way too late dl the kz3 theme but I would love to be in the beta because killzone 3 is going to blow my mind. Thanx for the opportunity for this beta.

  21. Clinto

    I was playing Killzone 2 today after a long of it collecting dust. Reeeeeally got me ready for some Killzone 3 action!

  22. clintos59

    Damn I see videos of people enjoying this & just makes me wish I could be there testing it out myself. I cant wait until the game drops.This game is going to be so awesome.

  23. FPS n00b

    Hey I would like to beg for a killzone 3 beta key.. One code for me please.. 😐

  24. Dean

    I’ve been wanting to try out the beta for sometime now. I’ve tried competitions on lots of different sites, twitter, and I never seem to get one.

    Please, be kind and send me a beta code, I’m desperate :[

  25. Chewie

    Just got back from a call at the fire hall its about 4:30 in the morning and thought i would get online a check some news out and saw the beta code give away. It would be sweet if we could get one here so we could all play while we are up at night. thanks!

  26. filipakos

    I enjoyed killzone 2 single and multiplayer.The only thing i hated was that on multiplayer the player was some kind of slow,”heavy” and it was kind of hard to kill others that moved a lot.(thats why i chose shotgun:P).I heard though that on kz3 its a lot faster than kz2 and i want to try it out:D.Thanks

  27. Jonas

    I really loved playing killzone 2 but in the end it always got to chaotic – just an inferno of grenades and rockets… I really hope they change that to some degree in KZ3.

  28. truthhurts

    A new call of duty is out, it would be like eating dirt when you have a steak next to you.

  29. Manserotti

    I’ve been a long time fan of Killzone. I’m just trying to get a chance to play it before the release. Hoping that chance will come true. Thank you.

  30. sagabar22

    Bonjour a tous,
    Eh oui un frenchie sur votre site, a ce fameux Killzone 3 , cette cle tant convoitée!
    Help me, donnez moi cette chance, un grand fan de KZ

  31. sagabar22

    Hello everybody,
    Yes a french on your site, this famous Killzone 3, this key coveted!
    Help me, give me this chance, a big fan of KZ3
    Thank you

  32. Moe

    Kill zone 2 got me into first person shooters. The weight was perfect. Can non psn plus subscribers get the key?.

  33. Corey

    for every minute it takes for me to receive a key to this amazing Killzone 3 Beta, soeone dies on the other side of the planet, you dont want that on ur conscience right?

  34. Kevin

    Killzone 2 was the first fps i got for my ps3 and its the best fps ive ever played. My friends always say stuff like “Modern Warfare is better” or that Halo murders every other game, but to me, both bow down to killzone 2. they’re good games and all, but Killzone 2 is the best =D


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