Two titles from the Tokyo Game Show will be coming to North America in 2010. The games are Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes and Ghost Trick.

Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes is set during a tumultuous period in Japanese history. Take on hundreds of opponents, as a samurai while fighting to save the land . With unlockable characters you can command and lead armies in order to re-write history.‚  You‚  could even end up in control of all of 16th century Japan. The game will be released on PS3 and Wii, with an additional online co-op planned for the PS3.

Ghost Trick is a mystery puzzle game with a supernatural twist. Players take on the role of an amnesiac ghost who must use his powers to protect several people while uncovering clues as to how he died. Players can possess items, float through the air and even rewind time to save lives during missions. The plot alone is enough to put this on my DS watchlist.

I’m going to keep an eye on these games to see if they are worth buying. Comment below with opinions or buzz from Japan!

About The Author

David is sophomore at Boston College. He writes for the video game section and loves movies, television and music too.

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