I attended a preseason football game at Gillette Stadium on September 3 — the Pats and the Giants. I was inspired by the halftime event where members of the Massachusetts National Guard took their Oath of re-enlistment on the field. All of these brave men and women have already served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and were volunteering to return. They didn’t forget.
I was proud and stood to clap. Sadly, I looked around and noticed very few fans were even paying attention.
John Guilfoil Jr. (left) the father of Blast's editor, is a career fire fighter who was in New York after 9/11 as part of the rescue efforts
Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless To USA” was playing and no one seemed moved.
I know it was just a preseason game and all, but I felt a little ashamed. These young men and women were reenlisting to go back into harms’ way to combat terrorism and no one seemed to care.
September 11, 2001 seems a long way off eight years later.
There are so few tributes anymore. People seem to want to forget. Blast keeps the tribute alive every year. Take a moment and look at the article and pictures.
I am a firefighter in Connecticut. I went to New York that evening — to ground zero to help. The sights, sounds and smells of that day are etched in my mind. I will never forget the determination of the firefighters, police officers, the iron-workers and construction workers on the “pile.” All just hoping to rescue someone.
September 11, 2001
Lest We Forget
The events of September 11, 2001
Lest We Forget
The Firefighters and Police Officers who lost their lives in New York
Lest We Forget
The Innocent workers at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon killed that day
Lest We Forget
The people killed in the planes in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania
Lest We Forget
The families left behind
Lest We Forget
The terrorists responsible
Lest We Forget
Why our troops are in harms way
Lest We Forget
Those same rescuers, some who spent months at ground zero, are now sick from breathing the smoke and dust. These same people being denied health and workers compensation claims. I ask President Obama and our elected officials to be mindful. What are you going to do about these injustices?
Lest We Forget
Our men and women serving the military
Lest We Forget
The year 2001 should not be repeated