Japanese video game-maker Nintendo released their latest handheld rehash, the DSi, this past April in North America, and today we learn that the portable has sold in excess of 1.7 million units in its first three months of availability, placing the piece of hardware in front of the Wii, DS, and DS Lite, over the same course of time.
Hard to believe right? What with only a handful of new features, you’d think it’d sell well, but not in front of the others. Game industry site IGN asked Denise Kaigler, Nintendo of America VP of corporate affairs, the same question, garnering this adamant response:
“Sorry, but I’m going to have to strongly disagree with your premise”
According to figure-tracker NPD, the Wii sold 1.52 million, the original DS 1.38 million, and the DS Lite 1.07 million, in their respective three debut months thus backing up her claim and wowing all of us back at home!
Do you have a DSi?
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