ijji.com, the seven million user strong hardcore gamer hot spot revealed its total E3 lineup today including Huxley: The Dystopia, Soul of the Ultimate Nation, and a brand new unnamed World War 2 (ugh) first person shooter.

For the first time, journalists, including our very own John Guilfoil will be able to go hands-on with Huxley, an Unreal Engine (so it looks, sounds, and feels like Gears of War) built FPS complemented by MMO style character development.

The aforementioned Soul of the Ultimate Nation is an epic fantasy MMORPG that ijji will first show off at E3, because honestly, we don’t know much about it.

And wrapping up ijji’s showing at this year’s trade show the company will debut an unnamed WW2 shooter set before the finish of the bloody war where gamers will be granted the opportunity to choose a side and wreak all out war.

My apologies if the above reads as not very descript but it is only so because publishers are waiting for the show to go into full detail, which in turn will leave us with a clusterf*ck of information to take in, digest, and relay to you.‚  But fear not, for we will.

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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