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Reports are coming out of California that the Robert Pattinson “Twilight” event had to be canceled after more than 3,000 screaming girls showed up instead of the 500 the organizers expected and were ready for.

A 911 call came in Monday, and early reports say that one girl fainted and another got her nose broken from being trampled.

This all happened early Monday, but the event was not supposed to start until 6 p.m.

A report in the San Jose Mercury News says that the unruly crowd at the Stonestown Galleria mall gathered early in the morning, hoping to get a glimpse of the 22-year-old star. A line formed around the mall building.

Lieutenant Neville Gittens, spokesman for the San Francisco police, told Blast in a brief interview that mall management shut down the event after asking police their advice on the crowd situation. Gittens said there were no arrests but could not comment on any of the alleged injuries.

An employee at the Hot Topic store that was hosting the event told the paper that the event was shut down by the police.

And just a reminder: Boston has the exact same event planned for Friday at the Hot Topic store at the Square One Mall.

Blast Magazine’s intern, Liz McClendon, and Blast’s Entertainment Editor, Terri Schwartz, contributed to this report

About The Author

John Guilfoil is the editor-in-chief of Blast: Boston's Online Magazine and the Blast Magazine Network. He can be reached at [email protected]. Tweet @johnguilfoil.

4 Responses

  1. Manuel

    Wow. Just wow. I’m expecting the Blast event to be well prepared, or they’ll have to report their own cancellation.

    Nerd girls are JUST as loony as popular girls.IMO.

  2. Bessie King

    We received this from a reader:
    “Elisha Mattioda to newsroom
    i WAS there and it wasnt as bad as what this says… IT WAS WORSE. i talked to security after and found out it was horrible. first we had the people who tried to stay in a RV from texas….did they not see that edward was going to be in texas tomorrow? then there was the people forming so early a mom took in to herself to start a list of names and numbering people, which was thorwn out the door since she was not athorized to do so. and then the screaming and running started. people started running towards the front of the mall while a man from hot topic was on a mega phone telling everyone to form A LINE, and then thats when people were screaming and yelling. then two lines were formed which then the police got involved. the two lines were formed into one….then we had to turn into a long double up line so we had to push back the line yet the mob didnt want to move from the front, thats when we found out a purse was stolen, a visa card was stolen, shoes were being thorwn, parents were yelling, kids were screaming, then the girl got her nose broken. AND THEN thats when we heard there was a little girl stuck in the mob who couldnt breathe and passed out and the mob wasnt letting the ambulance or ANYONE get to her …NO ONE HELPED HER! so then that was the final straw, but no one left easily. lots waited till the police got involved and told EVERYONE to leave. . . but then the mall finally got open and the running started…the same thing happened at hot topic and a long line formed down the mall to go into hot topic to buy stuff… yet the staff said they were not going to sell those shirts. also shoes were being thorwn and a girls neck was cut up when peope in the mob trying to pull others back …they pulled on her necklace cutting her neck up.

    Its insane and im glad it was cancelled. i stood in the line and witnessed the worst of the female fans, and their parents! The mob was mostly full of the younger crowd and guess how many of their parents just stood by watching??? like 40!! just WATCHING! none of the parents helped! i was so disappointed in the fans that didnt listen to simple requests! if they would have listened and their parents were responsible the meet and greet might still be on!

    thanks for your time,
    Eli Nicole, Vallejo Ca.”


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