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Boondock Saints coming to Blu-ray

Shepherds we shall be. To our local video store. For Boondock Saints on Blu-ray. February 10. Set for $34.99, the Boondock Saints Blu-ray features deleted scenes and outakes with commentary from cast and cre...
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Twilight mob rules again

Hundreds of Twilight fans were upset early Wednesday morning when they were turned away from Orland Square Mall in Chicago. Many came prepared to wait in the cold rain for hours, but that wasn't necessary - mall security decided to sell the wristbands and t-shirts needed for entrance into Rob Pattinson's presence early to avoid the same sort of fiasco that San Francisco fans experienced, but therein created a fiasco of their own. Wristbands that were not to be passed out until 7:30 that morning were gone by 2 AM.