“Ratchet and Clank” developer Insomniac Games have revealed their newest underwater IP in Song of the Deep.

The 2D Metroidvania style game revolves around a young girl named Merryn who is searching for her father in a homemade submarine. The shift from fully 3D adventures to a more “indie” flavored title is a bit of a passion project for Insomniac Games as Brian Hastings, chief creative officer, puts it when speaking to Polygon.

“Everyone on the team has grown up on these [kinds of] games,” Hastings said. “They were a part of our childhood. It’s just something we’ve never done and we wanted to.”

The small team of 15 developers is working directly with retailer Gamestop in bringing the title to life. Though it will be released for PS4, Xbox One and PC digitally, “Song of the Deep” will also have a physical copy available only at Gamestop stores.

The partnership could prove fruitful in making the largest video game retailer in North America more of a collector’s store in the future.

“Song of the Deep” will be released this summer.

About The Author

Ivan Favelevic is Blast Magazine's Associate Gaming Editor. He knows he would be a nobody in Westeros and is ok with that. Follow him on Twitter @FlyingBags to hear random thoughts on games plus some soccer and basketball rants.

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