With more than 5.5. million fans, the Ford Mustang is the most “liked” vehicle on Facebook. Ford’s collaboration with Facebook and Instagram in anticipation of the reveal of the new Ford Mustang on December 5th is bound to raise these numbers even higher.

For the next 15 days, this newly-formed trio will showcase how the Mustang has impacted its fans throughout the last 50 years and how it manages to continue to inspire people globally.

“Mustang has come to be much more than just a car for its legions of fans spanning the globe from New Zealand to Iceland and Shanghai to Berlin,” Jim Farley, executive vice president of Ford global marketing, sales, and services in Lincoln explains. “When you experience Mustang, it ignites a sense of optimism and independence that inspires us all.”

Of the soon-to-be-released new Mustang, Farley says, “with a new design and greater refinement, world-class power and performance plus innovative new technologies, Mustang is ready for the next 50 years.”

Ford believes that using social media is the perfect way to honor the older models and to welcome the newest one. In fact, the company plans to use Instagram as the venue through which they will release the first image of the car on December 5.

Photos that fans have submitted and continue to send in are the inspiration to 15 of the top Instagram video creators in the world when developing an online short film series highlighting the Mustang in all its glory. Each day until the release, there will be a new Mustang video for fans around the world to enjoy.

About The Author

Beth DeMilt is a News Editor for the Blast Network

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