
Rapper Soulja Boy angered the United States Military with a statement in his new song, saying “Fuck the FBI and the army troops…fighting for what? Be your own man…I’ll be flying through the clouds with green like I’m Peter Pan.”

Retired Marine Fred A. Flores responded to Soulja boy, calling the song “offensive” and telling the rapper to apologize.

“It’s a very offensive statement … especially with the 10th anniversary of 9/11 coming up,” Flores said according to TMZ.

View the video below:

About The Author

Brittney McNamara is a Blast Junior Editor

2 Responses

  1. MilitaryBrat

    This kid surely signed a death wish, my father served 20 years in the navy. I swear if i ever see this punk ass ill kill his ugly ass bitch, and would go to jail for it or even death. Eye for an eye bitch! Future marine Ooorah!

  2. bezbezr

    What did we expect from a CRACKBABY??!!! hope Obama gives troops permission to military TO GANGRAPE SOLJA HOE!!!


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