True story, I was once covering a pre-release event for a game in San Francisco. I was sitting with a female PR rep talking about the recently released Portal 2 and if the next Half-Life would ever get released. Then, shit hit the fan. A fellow journalist from god-knows what publication talked about how rare it was to see a girl who even..ahem..”pretended to know what she was talking about.” The PR Rep then went and spoiled the ending for Half Life 2 and Portal. Don’t be that guy kids. Girl Geeks are geeks just like everyone else – -as made abundantly clear in this music video for “Nothing to Prove” by the Double-Clicks. Geekquality!
Heather John = you will love this.
This is for all the girl geeks out there. 🙂
#Geek #girls your anthem has arrived #STEMequity @AngelaMaiers #iste #cuerockstar @GirlsWhoCode @girlstart
RT @clintjohns: #Geek #girls your anthem has arrived #STEMequity @AngelaMaiers #iste #cuerockstar @GirlsWhoCode @girlstart…