animal crossing new leaf

It’s been a little over a month since Animal Crossing: New Leaf came out 3DS and we’re sure you’ve shaken your fair share of trees, sold hundreds of fossils, and probably even dabbled in the Stalk Market all for the necessary, and sometimes tricky, task of making bells. Below we have three videos that highlight what every new mayor has had to go through since they first set foot in their town. We’re sure you can relate.

1. Shake them Trees

The easiest way to make bells is to sell fruit, but as this song reminds you, just watch out for the bees!

2. Crossing from the Bottom (Started from the Bottom)

Everyone’s started from the bottom. That cramped tent you had to live in for the first few days isn’t something you’ll forget any time soon.

3. How the Stalk Market Works

Turnip selling prices fluctuate every week. Buying prices vary every day. These guys, however, seem to have it figured out.

About The Author

Giancarlo Saldana is Blast's Gaming Editor. Follow him on Twitter @giansaldana to read his daily musings about the world of video games.

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