Al Suarez, Farhad Ebrahimi and Noah McKenna minutes before arrest on December 10.  (Blast Staff photo/John Stephen Dwyer)

Al Suarez, Farhad Ebrahimi and Noah McKenna minutes before arrest on December 10. (Blast Staff photo/John Stephen Dwyer)

BLAST: Who are you?

AL SUAREZ: My name is Alexander Suarez. Most people on camp called me Al. My hometown is Boston. I’m 27, unemployed. I’m one of the 46 arrested December 10th at the camp, and one of the 25 first arraigned, and one of the 8 of them who plead not guilty and did not accept the deal.

BLAST: What do you do?

AS: On camp I worked with both media group and safety group. One of the reasons safety group was important is because outsiders would sometimes come into camp and seemed like they might hurt people. Media group is important because the mainstrem media is biased. We need to have our own voice.

BLAST: What’s your gripe?

AS: They’re taking our rights bit by bit. I’m involved with Occupy for a better future for our children.

BLAST: Share a memory?

AS: One of my best memories on camp is when I spoke at the GA [General Assembly] for the first time. I got to tell people I came from the camp in Vermont which was shutdown. And I got to tell them how much I admired the fact the Boston camp was still around in spite of what happened there and in NYC, that things were still working in Boston. I told the crowd that we must work together for a new society.

About The Author

Contributing editor John Stephen Dwyer is in love with his native Boston but has also done work in Amsterdam, London, New York, Paris and other cool cities. In recent months he's photographed notables including Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Rosalynn Carter.

2 Responses

  1. pjboyisgay

    Yo Noah,

    How does it FEEEEL to live in a 1.5 million dollar home? You inviting all your homies to stay with you or is it a lilliy white cess pool of white privilege? You’re going down.


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