When talking about the 3DS and it’s upcoming lineup, Nintendo revealed that everything from Madden to Dead or Alive and even Pilot Wings would be coming to handheld. But where was Nintendo’s most famous mascot? For the love of god, where was Mario?!
It’s okay, keep cool, Mario, in all his traditional platforming glory is indeed on its way to the 3DS. “In the interests of adopting new technology for the Super Mario Bros. tradition, I am now making a new Super Mario Bros. game for the Nintendo 3DS system,” legendary designer and Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto revealed in the latest installment of Iwata Asks. “I want to show everyone as soon as possible what the new Super Mario Bros. will be like on the Nintendo 3DS,” he added. We’re going to go out on a limb and guess the new game will involve Mario and a daring royal rescue. You sly devil you.
The announcement should come as a surprise to pretty much no one, as the New Super Mario bros line has been a major cash crop for the company since being released on the DS and the Wii. Stick with Blastmagazine.com for more on the game and the 3DS.
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