According to Twitter, Peter Molyneux, the Lionhead Studios boss, famous for the Fable series of titles, fell through the ice this morning near the Surrey development park where he works in  Guildford, England.

What it definitely didn't look like.

This is what Lionhead’s Twitter-updater had to say about the incident, in 140 characters or less of course.

“Peter Molyneux just broke through pond ice in the Surrey Research Park. Both his shoes and the man himself were saved… Be careful on ice!”

So maybe he was never in danger, but if this was anything more than an “oops my feet got wet” incident, we very well might see some sort replication of the incident in Fable III, for the lolz, if nothing else.

Source: Lionhead Twitter

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

3 Responses

  1. Trevor Baylis

    Haha. Well, It seems that he doesn’t walk on water as he (and his sycophants) thought !


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