The opening cinematic for Halo: Reach we saw this weekend showed a Spring 2010 release frame for the beta for Reach’s multiplayer, but today, that date got more specific.

According to a note found in a Child’s Play Charity Auction Dinner briefing, the beta will begin in April.

The auction listing is for a ton of Bungie swag and a trip to Bungie headquarters in Seattle where you and 7 friends can play Halo Reach’s multiplayer before the public.

And then the listing got interesting. It said: “Valid only between 4/8/2010 and 4/28/2010 – any day within that range is acceptable.”

Which leads us to believe, the beta could, possibly, go live for the public, at the earliest, April 29.

Gaming-blog Kotaku got a response from Microsoft, which read:

We’re excited that there is so much interest and enthusiasm for the “Halo: Reach” multiplayer beta coming this spring. We’re not able to confirm any details about the exact timing or content of the beta at this time but we look forward to revealing more details in the future.

Well, there we have it folks. Spring, 2010, but more specifically, the end of April/beginning of May.

And as of right now, the only way to access the beta, is to have purchased Halo 3: ODST, where the “multiplayer beta” menu will become available, in that game, sometime this Spring.

Here’s to waiting!

Source: Kotaku

About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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