Tired of teamwork, sharing, saving Sheva’s ass when she gets pinned? Ready to make some heads explode on your own?‚  Capcom feels your anguish and is offering up an online multiplayer mode to satiate that consuming thirst for blood of yours.

Resident Evil 5 ventures even further away from its origins with “Versus” mode pitting players against each other in a contest of survival.

Play as Chris or Sheva (or other secret characters) and either duke it out 1 v 1 or as a team in 2 v 2 competing in two very different game types:

Slayers Rule– is a point-based game that challenges players to kill of the games horrifying Majinis.

Survivors Rule– challenges gamers to track down and kill each other.‚  Classic slayer mode.

Versus will be available on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network “a few weeks” after the release of RE5 (tomorrow) with pricing set at 400 MS points and $4.99.

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About The Author

Eddie Makuch is a Blast staff writer. Reach him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @EddieMakuch.

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