Play five on five online with 10 human players.
Electronic Arts released the free downloadable feature called Online Team Play for NBA Live 08 that lets 10 people on 10 consoles anywhere in the world play with and against each other. The new feature is automatically available on Playstation 3 when connected online, EA said Monday. It will be available on the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system later this month.
In NBA Live 08, all 10 players on the floor can now be controlled by individual users on 10 different consoles, removing the use of artificial intelligence altogether. Player movement, decision making and game outcome can now be completely dependant on how you play as an online team, bringing you closer to a real life game of basketball than ever before. This new game mode enables any number of players from one to five on different consoles to connect and play online against another team of up to five players on five different consoles. The CPU will take control of any players not controlled by users.
NBA Live 08 is available now in retail stores everywhere. Click here for more information.
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