Two seminal Boston movies in one year? Yes, it’s true. If you didn’t get enough Boston-on-film with Black Mass (released in September), you’ll be able to get another dose with the movie Spotlight (release date November 6). Spotlight features a “Boston Globe” reportorial team as it goes after –and puts the ‘spotlight’ on–one of the biggest and most scandalous stories in recent memory: revelations and the cover up of child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, specifically in the Boston-area.
While you were probably preoccupied watching Monday Night Football, waiting for the Star Wars trailer, the Spotlight trailer (see below) went a little unnoticed. But it does manage to intrigue, if make what was mainly a legal and political controversy seem more like a thriller. The film will certainly be getting a lot of Oscar buzz, and has an all-star cast which includes, Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams, Liev Schreiber, Brian d’Arcy James and Stanley Tucci.
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