The Blast New York Bureau

NEW YORK — Can you keep a secret? Red Bull is now doing secret shows in New York showcasing artists with incredible talent.

This past Thursday, Blast was there to take part in the event at the Sullivan Room. The host for the evening was Jasmine Solano, who herself is a performer as well and dazzled us with her set of mic skills as well.

The main performers for the evening were “The Knux.” The Knux is composed of brothers Kentrell “Krispy Kream” Lindsey and Alvin “Rah Almillio” Lindsey. They performed their hits “Cappuccino” and “Bang Bang.”

Look for more secret shows from Red Bull soon. To find out where they will be next call 1-800-222-2929 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-800-222-2929      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.

See you there!

About The Author

Steve Osemwenkhae is a Blast photog

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