Fangirl squeals could be heard across the nation Saturday as it was confirmed that two more special guests will be attending TwiCon, an unofficial Twilight convention in Dallas this July.

Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene, who play Emmett and Alice Cullen will be at the convention.

Other special guests so far include Mike Welch (Mike Newton), The Bella Cullen Project, Evil Iguana Productions, and Kaleb Nation – the “Twilight Guy”.

Bailey Gauthier, or “NoMoreMarbles” on Youtube, is one of four partners making up the newly formed TwiCon Partners, LLC. Bailey and partner Becka Grapsy work with Becky Scoggins and Jordan Bressler, of BresslerScoggins Literary Management, a publicity and marketing firm. Bailey admits there are a lot of challenges in organizing a large convention.

“The hardest part about the convention getting started is just that it’s the first one and therefore there’s a lot of ‘first time’ stuff that’s got to be done that won’t necessarily be done for cons after this,” Gauthier said, “like building rapport in the industry and just over all having to set the foundation for future events. Not only with professionals involved but with the fandom as well.”

TwiCon has a 2,000 ticket sell-out limit, which they hope to reach. Considering the 6,000 screaming Twilight fans that swarmed Comic-Con in San Diego this past summer, selling out doesn’t seem unlikely when stars like Lutz and Greene are already being announced so far in advance. Even though other conventions might occur closer to home, it can be expected that a number of fans will pass those up and make the trek to Texas for Twicon.

“We are different just in sheer size,” Gauthier said. “There are events that are specifically fandom based, and then there are‚ others that seem to be more geared toward‚ getting autographs and meeting the stars. TwiCon brings both elements together, not only are we trying to line up an amazing special guest list‚ of those involved with‚ the movie, but we are also bringing together‚ fandom icons as well, such as well-known Twilight inspired bands,‚ fan sites, and bloggers.”

“We are fan-run but are managed by a professional firm, so we have a great blend in how we do things, with a balance of fan passion and professional organization,” Gauthier said.

For more information, or to register for Twicon, visit

About The Author

Liz McClendon is a two-time graduate of Virginia Tech and now spends her time traversing the internet, where she writes and continues her seemingly everlasting quest to be gainfully employed.

3 Responses

  1. anaka

    please give me and my friends tickets to the convention we have been going crazy reading the twilight saga


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