Video: Five real-life things you can only do in video games
Only 1 percent of MLB pitchers can hit 100 on the radar gun
New Tony Hawk Planned For 2010, Will Use “Ride” Peripheral
More Tony Hawk, more plastic skateboard peripheral on the 2010 horizon.
Tony Hawk Series Moving Forward With New Game, Same Developer
Think his latest was a flop? Even if, there's more on the way!
The declining Tony Hawk ratings, graphed
We knew the franchise was suffering, but this graph sums it up nicely.
First Tony Hawk game-play shown
Ready for Tony Hawk at the next level? Detailed video inside.
New Tony Hawk title to be revealed May 15
The next iteration in the famed franchise will be announced later this week according to Mr. 900 himself.
Skate It will use Wii Balance Board
Electronic Arts announced Monday that the newest version of their Tony Hawk competitor Skate It, will be released for the Wii and DS later this year and utilize the Wii Balance Board, looking to give a more rea...
Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground
Proving Ground is the deepest "X-sport" video game ever developed, and that means something considering the Tony Hawk franchise singularly created the alternative sport video game genre.
That said, Neversoft...