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Explosives unearthed in historic cemetery

NEW YORK -- Residents of the Lower East Side were treated to police digging up a cemetery today, but as night falls across the city, zombies and vampires are yet to emerge. This disturbance of the dead follo...
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FARC commander extradited to U.S.

At the time of his capture Ramirez was holding 15 hostages including anti-corruption activist and former Colombian presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, who had been held captive for more than six years.
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Pakistan on ‘high alert’

Pakistani media is reporting that the country's military is now on "high alert" over a possible attack by neighbour India, Al Jazeera reports.
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Indian lawyer wants Google earth banned

For those who don't know, it is suspected that the terrorists involved in the Mumbai attacks used Google Earth to help plan their mission last month, which led to the deaths of nearly 180 and the injuries of more than 300.
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Tensions mount between India and Pakistan

Just days after arresting 15 people connected to Lashkar-e-Taiba, the terrorist organization thought to be responsible for the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks, Pakistan said Tuesday that it will not comply with India's request for the extradition of all suspects, according to
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India’s Home Minister resigns after Mumbai tragedy

As India struggles to answer questions regarding last week’s tragedy, Home Minister Shivraj Patil, India’s highest-ranking security official, resigned Sunday, taking responsibility for the failure of the country’s intelligence services to stop the attacks, according to the International Herald Tribune.
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Terror in India

‚  At least 80 people have been killed, 250 injured and more held hostage in Mumbai, India, in coordinated terror attacks, according to news agencies. The attackers, armed with machine guns, bombs and gre...