Do you find yourself skimming over death tolls with little remorse for those perished? Ever think about the welfare of the families of the Somalis or Pakistanis killed in terrorist attacks? It pains me to say I rarely do. And that's not my fault.
An explosion at a flower market in New Delhi killed one teenager and injured 18 others Saturday, according to Indian police. The attacks took place in a region with a mixed population of Hindus and Muslims.
Sen. John McCain's campaign announced he will participate in tonight's debate against rival presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama. If you could ask Obama or McCain any question, what would it be?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad aggressively‚ told the United Nation's General Assembly that‚ all of the world's problems fall upon the shoulders‚ of a "few bullying powers."‚
In his speech, he told t...
North Korean officials banned international inspectors from a Pyongyang nuclear plant which is said to restart production in a week, according to Reuters.
The death toll will certainly rise in the near future. Just like the bombings in India just weeks ago, in this situation only the radicalists that perpetrate the violence can justify their actions. The Marriott has been the focus of many a hotel bombings in the middle-east, perhaps because it is an American hotel chain.
In an unexpected move, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will loan nearly $85 billion to mortgage giant American International Group, effectively rescuing them from bankruptcy.
The Federal Reserve admitted strains to the markets have "increased significantly" but it kept the federal funds rate unchanged at 2 percent.
In a statement, the Fed said "strains in financial markets have i...