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Fanboys: The best movie about Star Wars ever

The Force clearly was with Kyle Newman and Adam Goldberg in the decision to make the movie, though it probably took a Jedi mind trick for the studio execs to get it into the theaters. Which is undoubtedly why it took three years to release.
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Grant the artist

Recently hired by Lucasfilm Ltd., Gould is part of a team that's working on The Clone Wars online web comics. Released in tandem with the television show, the comics will supplement the plots and characters found in the weekly episodes.
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Has George Lucas lost it?

In a recent review of George Lucas' newest box-office hit but critical flop, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", I stated that as a writer, director, and creator, Lucas had not really created any new material over the past few years. To back up that statement, I have analyzed Lucas' creative history with help from the International Movie Database.
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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed movie

Here is an official Lucas Arts trailer video for the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, coming out on April Fools Day for Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 2, DS and PSP. This first Star Wa...