Sonic spindashes onto multiple platforms this week in Episode 2 Giancarlo Saldana May 15, 2012 Play as Metal Sonic too!
Double the Sonic, double the fun? Joe Sinicki April 7, 2011 Sega teases new game featuring multiple Sonics.
Sonic creator wants to make Dreamcast 2 Joe Sinicki October 3, 2010 Hear that fanboys? There's still hope.
Sonic and the Black Knight Review Stephen Fry March 24, 2009 Sonic the Hedgehog's latest adventure is set in the Kingdom of Camelot. Getting over the premise is the hardest part, it's mostly okay after that.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood Dylan Brace Sloss December 3, 2008 While Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is a valiant effort on BioWare's part, it has several flaws.