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Jimmy Choo for H&M is Leaked!

The wonderful website, FabSugar has gotten a sneak peek of EVERY SINGLE ITEM being launched on November 14th as part of Tamara Mellon of Jimmy Choo's collaboration with H&M. The collection has a lot of edge...
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The beauty website you must join

Spa Week has some fabulous giveaways this month with‚ something‚  for everyone, a $1,000 Spa Week gift card, a pair of Manolos, a case of wine, a free vacation to Peter Island Resort, beauty products, and more....
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Jamie Kreitman

Combine a zest for life, effervescent personality, the hunger for political knowledge and an old-school approach to handmade knit wears and fashion, and you've just scraped the surface that is the essence of designer Jamie Kreitman. [...]