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What did Bristol Palin do to her face?

Former “Dancing with the Stars” star Bristol Palin got so much attention on April 30 in Washington, D.C. at an after party for the White House Correspondents Association dinner because her face got a more angl...
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“Sarah Palin’s Alaska” ratings drop

According to TLC, “Sarah Palin's Alaska” was considered as the most watched series premiere in the network's history, which drew 5 million viewers. However, the second episode fell a 40 percent, to 3 million...
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Recap: Tea Party Express comes to Boston

The Big Apple Circus is set up in Government Center, but the elephants and tumblers were merely a sideshow to the political theatrics unfolding on Boston Common today. The Tea Party Express rolled into town...
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Palin appears on Tonight Show

Sarah Palin popped onto "The Tonight Show" tonight and bantered it up with William Shatner. While it had the air of surprise, Palin clearly read from cue cards. Shatner came on stage to "read" a few exce...
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Will Ferrell reprises Bush role

Funnyman Will Ferrell returned to Saturday Night Live during the intro of one of SNL's special Thursday updates. We stood beside Tina Fey's Gov. Sarah Palin, making it the only time the two most highly-r...
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Palin/Obama talk World Series

Obama doesn't think anyone would notice that he supported both teams? What's even worse is Palin's attempt to pander to the local teams. Here are here word-for-word comments on the Rays and Red Sox. Sh...
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Tina Fey reprises Palin role

One word: accurate. Two words: comedic timing. Tina Fey did another spot-on impression of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. We watched it, live, and loved it, live. SNL also parodied ...
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Hooray for Hockey Moms

As a woman, I take offense to the tactics being used by the media to accuse Alaska Governor Sarah Palin of being incapable of balancing motherhood and the vice-presidency should she be elected to the White Hous...
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Sarah Palin the sports anchor

I usually keep this stuff in the OTR blog, but considering the heightened political climate, and the fact that Sarah Palin has made big news over the weekend, I'm going to put it in the main magazine. Dead...
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PSA makes the case against Palin

I had to make this a bulleted list because it is extremely long and probably will need to be updated almost hourly because right now, there is an army of progressive bloggers vetting her much more thoroughly than the McCain campaign ever did.
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Gov. Palin’s daughter pregnant

The 17 year-old daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is pregnant, media learned recently in a statement issued by the presidential campaign of Senator John McCain.